HIDDEN.LIVE is a real-time game of discovering secrets hidden in plain sight. It's a global community for people who like to play local, real-time scavenger hunts.
Richmond Hill - Skillage in the Village
HIDDEN.LIVE is not your normal scavenger hunt. Instead you look for secrets hidden in plain sight using visual and geolocation clues. It's like "Pokemon Go but for Business".
These hidden objects are permanent things found in your own community. As well, you participate in two ways. You collect the objects by solving simple mysteries and get a chance to win prizes. You can also create new secrets by identifying new things for others to discover.
Explore your community to uncover hidden secrets and create new ones. Existing secrets have been created by other players and you can create a new secret at any time.
Again, secrets are things that are fixed within your community such as a sign, a mailbox, a statue, a mural, words on a wall. Each secret has a clue, a question and an answer, but the secret ins not in the image shown.
Start our web app in any browser. Ensure locations services are active. The app will find your location and indicate how many unsolved secrets are nearby.
You can change your proximity to show further secrets.
Go forth and play. As you venture out and traverse your neighbourhood, your mobile device will light up with clues. Use the clues to locate each secret.
When you are in the right place, correctly answering a simple question will solve the secret and give you points. A record of what you have uncovered will be kept in your profile, as well as what mysteries you have created.
Within the app, select your neighbourhood. The web app displays a map that you use to find target areas to search. To find areas that have secrets, you scroll and zoom the map until at least one secret is revealed. The clues for these secrets will appear. You won't be able to solve the mysteries until you are in their vicinity. Visit the area then use the map for final details before solving.
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